1. Go to: www.agoracare.ch
2. Enter your Agoracare number and password (sent to you confidentially by mail)
3. Access your high quality images!
Prior to the total body scan, individuals will be required to fill out an online form as part of a safety checklist and to gather information about their family and personal history. This form is designed to ensure the safety and well-being of the individual undergoing the scan, as well as to provide the healthcare professionals with a comprehensive understanding of their medical background. The online form will include questions related to any pre-existing medical conditions, allergies, medications being taken, and previous surgeries or medical procedures. It would also inquire about family history of certain diseases or conditions, as this information can be relevant in assessing potential risks or genetic predispositions.
Detect Conditions While They Are Easy To Treat.
Periodic visits to Revoscan can help you detect and avoid unwanted serious diseases while they are still easy to manage.
Know what your lifestyle habits have caused over the years and make a change.
Revoscan is the life-changing exam you need in order to know how your lifestyle has been affecting your well being before anything alarming occurs. It is the first step to making a better change!
Before coming to your appointment you will be asked to fill an
Online Form
to understand better the reasons behind your visit and to have an elaborate insight on your
personal and family history which can give our doctors important indicators prior to the scan.
Step by step, simple and easy to read, your unique report will be shared with you confidentially by email, and one of our specialized radiologists will be in contact with you to further explain the findings of the report if needed.